Summer Internship

This summer I will be working with the Front Yard Garden project in Meadowood Wisconsin. We are trying to strengthen the community through gardening by providing an activity for residence, fresh produce since they live in a type of food desert, and an opportunity to learn how to garden. Tuesdays and Thursdays during the summer are gardening day! We need lots of volunteers, you can come only once if you want to, but the children in the area are adorable and the people are very welcoming you’re going to want to come back. We’re located at 5810 Russett Road in Meadowood. See you in the garden.

Raised beds to fill with fruits and veggies built by volunteers!

Home is Not a Place

Of the three children in my family, I am the middle child. This means I have the leading abilities of the older sibling but I also get to be the annoying younger sibling; the best of both worlds. I also tend to be the most emotional of my brother and sister, I blame genetics but I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve. This was no different when my parents decided it was time to put our house up for sale.

This was not the house I was brought home to as a baby, but it mine as well have been since we moved into it when I was four. All but one of my earliest memories were experienced in the house I left when I headed to school this year. With my sister now at school too, my parents are officially empty nesters. It is a big house for just two people and our dog and it makes sense that it would be time for them to sell it, but saying goodbye has been harder than I thought it would be. I think this is a normal experience for college students, to have to say goodbye to their childhood home at some point before they graduate, its the normal progression of life. My brother, sister and I are all moving forward in our lives. Hell I want to go to Ecuador next summer, why should my parents have to stay in the the house we’ve lived in for like 15 years? I understand why they want to and have to move, but saying goodbye and having “home” be temporarily gone is a harder process than I thought it would be. Continue reading “Home is Not a Place”